
Supplier Protheragen-INC
Product # PIE-0112
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Synonyms ichthyol, ichthammol, PSSO, DSSO
MolecularFormula (C2​H4​O)n​H2​O
Standard USP
Application Ammonium bituminosulfonate (ichthyol or ichthammol, CAS#8029-68-3 ) is a product of natural origin obtained in the first step by dry distillation of sulfur-rich oil shale. It is used in medicine as a remedy for treating some forms of skin diseases, such as acne, eczema and psoriasis. It is commonly used in an ointment in 10% or 20% concentrate as a "drawing salve", also called "black ointment".
Grade Pharmaceutical Grade
appearance Pale yellow or brownish-black to dark brown very viscous liquid. Strong tarry odor and a burning taste.