
Supplier Alfa Chemistry
Product # ACM31001771
CAS # 31001-77-1
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Synonyms 3-Mercaptopropylmethyldimethoxysilane
IUPAC Name dimethoxymethyl(3-sulfanylpropyl)silicon
Purity 0.98
MolecularFormula C6H16O2SSi
MolecularWeight 180.34 g/mol
Application It can be used as coupling agent to improve the adhesion of sulfur cured elastomers (polysulfide, polyurethane sealants) to inorganic fillers (such as silica, clay, glass, mica and talc etc.), fiberglass and surfaces. Mineral-reinforced articles such as shoe soles, rubber rollers and wheels, white sidewalls, and wire and cable insulation also can be produced with lower silane loadings.