Folic acid

Folic acid is a vitamin needed to synthesize DNA, conduct DNA repair and methylate DNA, and it also acts as a cofactor in biological reactions involving folate. The combined use of enalapril and folic acid, compared with enalapril alone, significantly reduced the risk of first stroke. High folic acid intakes and MTHFR gene variations seem not to be associated with helping women to achieve pregnancy during or after fertility treatment.
Supplier BOC Sciences
Product # B0084-474256
Pricing 500 g/unit USD $199
Cas 59-30-3
Molecular Weight 441.40
Molecular Formula C19H19N7O6
Canonical SMILES C1=CC(=CC=C1C(=O)NC(CCC(=O)O)C(=O)O)NCC2=CN=C3C(=N2)C(=O)N=C(N3)N