mTRP-2 (180-188)

Supplier Creative Peptides
Product # R1881
CAS # 219312-69-3
Pricing Inquire
MolecularFormula C61H78N10O14
MolecularWeight 1175.33
  • One Letter Code: SVYDFFVWL
  • Three Letter Code: Ser-Val-Tyr-Asp-Phe-Phe-Val-Trp-Leu
Storage Store at -20°C
ShippingCondition RT, or blue ice upon request.
Explanation mTRP-2 (180-188) is a murine tyrosinase-related protein 2 (TRP-2) -derived peptide, corresponding to residues 180-188. TRP-2 (180-188) is identified as the major reactive epitope within TRP-2 recognized by anti-B16 CTLs.
Solubility 10 mM in DMSO