UniSil® 5-1500

UniSil® is a series of monodisperse spherical silica gel designed as matrices for high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis and purification. Developed by Suzhou NanoMicro with its unique patented technology, all UniSil® products have distinct features such as uniformed particle size, perfectly spherical shape, and outstanding mechanical strength. In addition, NanoMicro’s “State-of- the-Art” microsphere precision manufacturing enables UniSil® products excellent lot-to-lot consistency as well as well-tailored pore size and particle size to serve varied application. All these features provide UniSil® products competitive advantages such as high column efficiency, robust column packing and repacking, quality consistency, etc. UniSil® products have already been widely used in both laboratory and industrial scale separation of synthetic compounds, natural products, and many biomolecules. Through strong offering of the UniSil® product line at commercial scale, NanoMicro is proud to be a leading provider of silica chromatography media.

UniSil® macroporous silica media is mono-sized silica gels of very large pore sizes. Produced by NanoMicro Tech with its unique proprietary technologies, UniSil® Macroporous has distinct features such as highly uniformed particle size, narrow pore size distribution, high purity and outstanding mechanical strength which enable them to be the ideal chromatography matrices for high mass transfer or large molecule analytes.
Supplier Amerigo Scientific
Product # 19000-050150
Pricing 10g; 50g; 100g; 500g; 1kg, Inquire