The Serum-Free System™ with Recombinant RocketFuel™ for Cell Cultures

The complete cell culture kit to optimize your experiments. The System™ includes: 2-ea 500mL Cell Systems Classic Complete Media (4Z0-500), 1-ea 100mL Attachment Factor™, 2 ea. 5mL CultureBoost™, 1 set of 100mL Passage Reagent Group™ and 1-ea 50mL Cell Freezing Medium™
Supplier Cell Systems
Product # CSS-A105
Pricing , $890.0
Size 2x500mL, 4x100mL, 2x10mL, 1x50mL
Options Save $200 off The System™ with the purchase of one vial of primary cells.
Category / Tags Growth Factor, Cell Culture Medium, Passage Reagent Group, Attachment Factor, Primary Cells
Modified and optimized basal DMEM/F12 (1:1) Yes
Serum No
Phenol Red Yes
Special Shipping Condition Ships Ambient