
Supplier MedChemExpress
Product # HY-W009009
CAS # 286456-42-6
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Biological Activity L-838417 is a selective partial agonist at the α2, α3 and α5 subtypes of the GABAA receptor and an antagonist at the α1, with binding Ki values of 0.79 nM, 0.67 nM, 1.67 nM, 267 nM, 2.25 nM and 2183 nM for α1β3γ2, α2β3γ2, α3β3γ2, α4β3γ2, α5β3γ2 and α6β3γ2[1].
MWt 399.41
Formula C₁₉H₁₉F₂N₇O