Poly-γ-D-Glutamic Acid Construct

Supplier Creative Peptides
Product # X21188
Pricing Inquire
MolecularWeight 2099
  • One Letter Code: Ac-(γ-e)15-C-NH2
  • Three Letter Code: Ac-(γ-D-Glu)15-Cys-NH2
Storage -20°C
Explanation This peptide is a poly-gamma-D-glutamic acid (DPGA)10 construct that relates to the sequence of the Bacillus anthracis capsule which is composed of gamma DPGA. gamma DPGA is an essential virulence factor of B. anthracis. The capsule inhibits innate host defense through its antiphagocytic action. gamma DPGA is a poor immunogen, but when bound to a carrier protein, it elicits serum antibodies.
Reference Kubler-Kielb, J. et al. Infect. Immun. 74, 4744 (2006).