ADU-S100 enantiomer ammonium salt

Supplier MedChemExpress
Product # HY-12885C-5 mg
Pricing 5 mg, USD $980.0
Synonyms MIW815 enantiomer ammonium salt; ML RR-S2 CDA enantiomer ammonium salt
MWt 724.6
Formula C₂₀H₃₀N₁₂O₁₀P₂S₂
Biological Activity ADU-S100 enantiomer ammonium salt (MIW815 enantiomer ammonium salt) is the less active enantiomer of ADU-S100. ADU-S100 is an activator of stimulator of interferon genes (STING)[1].
Purity 98.11%