Samarium(III) chloride

Supplier Alfa Chemistry
Product # ACM10361827
CAS # 10361-82-7
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Synonyms SAMARIUM CHLORIDE;SAMARIUM(III) CHLORIDE;Samarium chloride (SmCl3);samariumchloride(smcl3);samariumtrichloride;SmCl3;Samarium (III) chloride, anhydrous;SAMARIUM(III) CHLORIDE, ANHYDROUS, BEADS , -10 MESH, 99.99%
IUPAC Name samarium(3+);trichloride
EC Number 233-797-0
MolecularFormula Cl3Sm
MolecularWeight 256.7g/mol
Application Samarium Chloride has specialized uses in glass, phosphors, lasers, and thermoelectric devices. Samarium Chloride is used for the preparation of Samarium metal, which has a variety of uses, notably in magnets. Anhydrous SmCl3 is mixed with Sodium Chloride or Calcium Chloride to give a low melting point eutectic mixture. Electrolysis of this molten salt solution gives the free metal. Samarium Chloride can also be used as a starting point for the preparation of other Samarium salts.