BIIL-260 hydrochloride

Supplier MedChemExpress
Product # HY-114641A-10 mM * 1 mL
CAS # 192581-24-1
Pricing 10 mM * 1 mL, USD $255.0
Biological Activity BIIL-260 hydrochloride is a potent and long-acting orally active leukotriene B(4) receptor LTB4 antagonist, with anti-inflammatory activity. BIIL-260 hydrochloride interacts with the LTB4 receptor in a saturable, reversible, and competitive manner, has high affinity to the LTB4 receptor on isolated human neutrophil cell membranes with Ki values of 1.7 nM[1].
Purity ≥99.0%
MWt 503.03
Formula C₃₀H₃₁ClN₂O₃