X-Gal Staining kit -for Transfection Assay

X-Gal Staining Kit allows to visualize -gal expression through hydrolysis of the X-Gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoyl-beta-D-Galactopyranoside) substrate yielding blue precipitates. LacZ is one of the most frequently reporter gene used in transfection experiments. The LacZ encoded protein (beta-galactosidase, beta-Gal), is very stable, resistant to proteolytic degradation and easily tested.
Convenient for all LacZ transfection assays
Suitable for cultured cells and tissues
Complete kit provided with substrate and buffers
Size: Fixing Buffer 125 mL, 10X PBS 75 mL, Staining Buffer 125 mL, 25X Stock Solution of X-Gal 4 mL
Supplier Amerigo Scientific
Product # GX10003
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