BMS-309403 sodium

Supplier MedChemExpress
Product # HY-101903A-10 mg
Pricing 10 mg, USD $100.0
Biological Activity BMS-309403 sodium is a potent, orally active, and selective adipocyte fatty acid binding protein (also known as FABP4, aP2) inhibitor, with Kis of <2, 250, and 350 nM for FABP4, FABP3, and FABP5, respectively. BMS-309403 sodium interacts with the fatty-acid-binding pocket within the interior of the protein and competitively inhibits the binding of endogenous fatty acids. BMS-309403 sodium improves endothelial function in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice and in cultured human endothelial cells[1][2][3].
Purity 98.73%
MWt 496.53
Formula C₃₁H₂₅N₂NaO₃