Active Recombinant Human Estrogen Receptor 1

Recombinant His tagged ER was expressed in a baculovirus system and purified by an affinity column in combination with FPLC chromatography. Several members of nuclear receptor family are directly associated with human malignancies including breast cancer, prostate cancer and leukemia. The pathogenesis of each of these diseases is underpinned by the activities of a member of the superfamily; Estrogen Receptoralpha (ER) in breast cancer, Androgen Receptor (AR) in prostate cancer, and Retinoic Acid Receptor alpha (RAR) in acute promyelocytic leukemia. Estrogen receptors (ER) are members of the superfamily of nuclear hormone receptors whose activity is required for the normal function of the female reproductive system. Two isoforms of Estrogen Receptor (ER and ER) have been described. They function as ligand-dependent transcriptional activators. The biological functions downstream of ER result from altered expression of direct transcriptional targets as well as secondary effects mediated by biological activities of direct targets. In the mammary gland, estrogen receptors regulate normal epithelial cell development and differentiation through their well-documented effects on transcription. Estrogens have long been known to have mitogenic functions in breast cancer cell lines and in breast tumors. Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulatory compounds (SERMs), which bind directly to ER, can block the growth stimulatory function of estrogens.
Supplier Creative Biomart
Product # ESR1-1033H
Pricing 2ug : USD $398