DreamFect Stem -DNA Transfection Reagent

DreamFect™ Stem Transfection Reagent is a powerful reagent allowing multipotent stem cells transfection with high efficiency and very low toxicity. Its specific composition based on the TEE-technology allows transfecting embryonic and multipotent stem cells in presence of serum, maintaining their undifferentiated stage and their capacities to differentiate.

DreamFect™ Stem main advantages in comparison to standard procedures:
High transfection efficiency for multipotent Stem cells
Minimized toxicity due to reagent biodegradability and low DNA amount required
Cell phenotype and differentiation potential are not affected
Serum Compatible
Simple, Ready-to-use and rapid (no specific buffer)
DreamFect™ Stem exhibits high transfection efficiency on human adult multipotent stem cells such as MSC (Mesenchymal Stem Cells), AdSC (Adipose derived Stem Cells), AFSC (Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells), and KG1a (leukemic stem-like cells) as well as embryonic stem cells.

Sizes :
500 µL: 125-250 transfections with 1 µg of DNA
1000µL: 250-500 transfections with 1µg of DNA
Supplier Amerigo Scientific
Product # ST30500
Pricing 500 µL; 1 mL, Inquire