Triptorelin Acetate

Supplier Creative Peptides
Product # 10-101-36
CAS # 57773-63-4 (net), 140194-24-7 (acetate)
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Synonyms 6-D-Tryptophan Luteinizing HorMone-Releasing Factor (Pig) Acetate;6-D-Tryptophan Luteinizing HorMone-Releasing Factor (Swine) Acetate;BIM 21003C;Decapeptyl-Depot;OvuGel;Triptorelin Acetate OR Triptorelin PaMoate;Triptorelin Acetate CAS 140194-24-7 (acetate);Triptelin Acetate
MolecularFormula C64H82N18O13.C2H4O2
MolecularWeight 1371.52
Sequence Three Letter Code: Pyr-His-Trp-Ser-Tyr-D-Trp-Leu-Arg-Pro-Gly-NH2 acetate salt
Storage Desiccate at -20°C
ShippingCondition Room temperature in continental US; may vary elsewhere.
Explanation Triptorelin acetate is a potent LHRH agonist. It can result in downregulation of LH and FSH levels followed by a suppression of ovarian and testicular steroid biosynthesis. For most prostate cancers, they need the hormone testosterone in order to grow. Almost all testosterone in men is made by the testicles. Triptorelin stops the testicles from making testosterone. This reduces testosterone levels and may shrink the prostate cancer or stop it growing.
Application Triptoreline as an antineoplastic (hormonal) is currently used in the treatment of prostatic cancer where therapy may be required over months or years. It is also used in the treatment of endometriosis and infertility.
Appearance White Solid