Labshake Mylab - free online lab protocol management

Mylab lab protocol management is a free online service to manage lab protocols. Its main features include:

  • Managing protocols of a lab, lab protocols are shared by all lab members.
  • Managing your personal favorite protocols throughout your career. Your personal protocols are separate from any labs.
  • Share your personal protocols with colleagues, or labs you are associated with.
  • Share your personal protocols with the biomedical community.

Add lab protocols accessible to all lab members:

Mylab lab protocol management - add a lab protocol

Protocols are displayed nicely in HTML when using the simple Markdown format, and can be printed in PDF:

Mylab lab protocol management - lab protocol view

Maintain your personal protocols:

Mylab lab protocol management - add personal protocol

Overview of all protocols accessible to you:

Mylab lab protocol management - overview

Share your personal protocol with a colleague:

Mylab lab protocol management - share with colleague

Share your personal protocol with a lab:

Mylab lab protocol management - share with a lab