Nepicastat hydrochloride

Supplier MedChemExpress
Product # HY-13289A-10 mg
CAS # 170151-24-3
Pricing 10 mg, USD $100.0
Synonyms SYN-117 hydrochloride; RS-25560-197 hydrochloride
MWt 331.81
Formula C₁₄H₁₆ClF₂N₃S
Biological Activity Nepicastat hydrochloride (SYN-117 hydrochloride) is a selective, potent, and orally active inhibitor of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase. Nepicastat hydrochloride produces concentration-dependent inhibition of bovine (IC50=8.5 nM) and human (IC50=9 nM) dopamine-beta-hydroxylase. Nepicastat hydrochloride can cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB)[1][2][3].
Purity 99.48%